The last update that No Man’s Sky received caused the game to crash, according to gamer reports. NMs Beyond, the expansion for the main game, appears to have optimization issues that need to be addressed.
NMS Beyond new content
There is good news on the horizon as the devs from Hello Games are working on a solution. A patch should be available within days that will have multiple fixes based on the current issues with optimization.
NMS Beyond is the latest expansion to come to the game. Despite the fact it made the game unplayable for a short period of time, the new content is free and its quite good. The expansion offers new missions and content such as taming creatures, building new bases, and new aliens.
Variety of crashes
The console version of No Man’s Sky has been reported to have more issues than the PC version. Consoles are usually the first to receive games but the last to get the patches. Probably because they run without major incidents. Usually.
Loading up a save file seems to activate a game crash for many users. This has happened after the NMS Beyond update. However, loading a game is not the only issue that causes crashes. As gamers have reported that contact with the Space Anomaly in multiplayer mode also triggers crashes quite often.
Advanced frustrations
Some players have complained that the game takes a lot of time and effort to see any results. This is due to the mechanics that have been implemented by the devs to simulate the grand difficulties of space exploration.
No game mode has been spared from crashed so far, as per reports. Multiplayer and creative mode are seeing lots of crashes. PC gamers are signaling that VR mode is crash heavy as well. But it has been announced that many fixes are actually ready for the PC and the console fixes will follow shortly after.
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