Mysterious fungal pathogen worries Canadian doctors
Physicians and specialists from across the country have been working on a partially drug-resistant fungal pathogen for nearly a decade to determine its origin and control it. This is Candida…
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Bedbugs survived the dinosaur extinction event
Bedbugs, some of humanity’s most undesirable pests, have been on Earth for at least 115 million years, and thus inhabited it during the same period as the largest dinosaurs. These…
Read more »Poor oral hygiene could increase the risk of liver cancer
Poor oral hygiene could be associated with a 75% increase in the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer, according to a new European study. The…
Read more »Treat wounds with a 3D printer
A 3D printer capable of applying skin cells to the body surface has been successfully tested in mice and pigs. It could now be used on humans with chronic wounds….
Read more »Forgetting a memory is harder for the brain than creating a memory
To succeed in forgetting a memory, our first reflex could be to stop paying attention to it. However, a new study suggests the opposite: to forget something, it should be…
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